Fantasy Rugby

Fantasy Rugby Draft



"Where winning is everything and nothing else matters."
Jack Lengyel, We Are Marshall (2006)

Standard Manager PRO
Super Rugby Season Pass

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Expert rankings incl ave. PPG/PPM, PARL, FORM, Injuries & Season Projections (Super Rugby only).
Check Your Lineup: The latest team news directly alongside your players in your lineup.
Search The Player Hub: Find players in the Player Hub that have been named to start. You can search by position too.
ADP (Average Draft Position): This is an essential statistic for your draft day analysis. A real game changer. ADP is a list of players in the Player Hub ordered by their average position drafted in all fantasy rugby drafts completed for the season. Includes auto-teams and auto-picks. Let ADP do your draft research for you. Knowing which players are rising and falling gives you a significant edge come draft day.
ADP Change +/- 7 days: A list of players in the Player Hub and their change in ADP from 7 days ago. This highlights very recent shifts in player value. Ordered by the player whose ADP has risen the most in the last 7 days.
ADP Change from Default: A list of players in the Player Hub and their change in ADP since the first draft was completed for the season. Provides an overall picture of ADP change. Ordered by the player whose ADP has risen the most.
Average Points Per Game (PPG): A great statistic in the Player Hub to identify the true value of a player.
Average Points Per Min (x80) (PPM): Another great statistic in the Player Hub to provide a more complete view of the value of a player. A deeper analyis than simply PPG.
Average Points Per Game (PPG): A brand new statistic in the Player Hub to identify the true value of the player.
FORM: Average Points Per Game (PPG) Last 3 Matches: A great statistic in the Player Hub to identify the current form of a player. PPG over the last 3 matches.

Frequently asked questions

Can I change or cancel my Manager PRO season pass later on?

Unfortunately at the moment you can't change or cancel your season pass. We will get to allowing this but we prioritised making Manager PRO available.

What are the finer points of Manager PRO?

We have a detailed breakdown of Manager PRO in the How to Play section & some lawyer type bits in the Terms and Conditions.